Delete profile information from Slack

To meet global data privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), the Primary Owner of a workspace or Enterprise Grid organization can delete member profiles.

Some background

  • A Primary Owner controls the data for their workspace or Enterprise Grid org (we call this Customer Data). This includes content submitted by members and member profile information.
  • When members leave a Slack workspace or org, they may have the right to request their profile be deleted. As the data controller, the Primary Owner is responsible for determining whether profile information requires deletion.
  • Profiles can be deleted once a member’s account is deactivated. Once profile information is removed, it can't be recovered.

Note: We don’t recommend deleting profiles for administrative purposes, as this can impact the usability of your workspace. If a member has a duplicate account, follow the steps to fix duplicate accounts instead.

What is profile information?

Deleting a member’s profile from Slack will remove their personally identifiable information:

  • Display name
  • Full name
  • Profile picture
  • Phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Job title
  • Details from a custom profile field
  • Pronouns

Content that isn't considered profile information won’t be removed from Slack. This includes the following:

  • A member’s message content from any channels or direct messages
  • Any canvases or files the member created

Note: Full and display names will appear as @deactivateduser when member profiles have been deleted. Slack Atlas view-only profiles will retain full and display names when deleted.

Submit a request to delete your profile

Members can submit a request to delete their profiles. Keep in mind that submitting a request does not guarantee that a profile will be deleted. Per our User Terms of Service, a Primary Owner is responsible for determining whether profile information requires deletion.

If you still have access to your workspace, we suggest contacting your Workspace Primary Owner directly. If you’re unable to get in touch with this person, we can help with forwarding the request on your behalf.

Option 1: Contact the Workspace Primary Owner

  1. Visit your Workspace Settings to confirm your Workspace Primary Owner's contact information.
  2. Deactivate your account.
  3. Contact your Workspace Primary Owner and request to delete your profile information

Option 2: Contact Slack

If you're unable to get in touch with the Workspace Primary Owner, we can help with forwarding the request on your behalf.

  1. Send us a note at To help us locate your account, please include your workspace URL and ‌the email address associated with your Slack account.
  2. We'll forward your request to the Workspace Primary Owner.

We suggest contacting your Org Primary Owner directly if you can, but if you need help identifying this person, contact us and we’ll help forward your request.

  1. Send us a note at To help us locate your account, please include your org URL and ‌the email address associated with your Slack account.
  2. We'll forward your request to the Org Primary Owner.

Note: If you'd like to remove a Slack Atlas view-only profile, contact your Slack admins for help.

Delete member profiles

A Workspace Primary Owner can delete profiles for deactivated members.

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Manage members.
  3. Click the  three dots icon next to the profile you'd like to delete.
  4. Select Delete profile. Note that you'll only see this option if the member's profile has already been deactivated.
  5. Check the box and select Delete profile to confirm.

By default, an Org Primary Owner can delete profiles for deactivated members. They can also allow other Org Owners and Org Admins to do this.

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organization settings.
  3. Click  People in the left sidebar, then select Members
  4. Select View Deactivated Members in the top right.
  5. Click the  three dots icon next to the profile you'd like to delete.
  6. Select Delete profile.
  7. Check the box and select Delete profile to confirm.

Note: You can use SCIM to delete Slack Atlas view-only profiles.