We're thankful that so many people in our developer community are taking the time to write guides, tutorials, and heady think pieces about working with the Slack platform.
It doesn't take much code to handle message menus in Python and Flask
Learn how to quickly host a slash command with node.js on Google Cloud
Learn how to deploy a Bolt for JavaScript app to Heroku
Are all bots born the same?
Learn how to deploy a Bolt for JavaScript app to AWS Lambda
Learn how to quickly deploy a Slack app in the cloud using Architect
A step by step tutorial on how to build slash commands with Python on AWS Lambda
A cheat sheet for getting started with Slack's APIs
How Slack presents helpful information about URLs
How one developer migrated from legacy methods to the Conversations API
A walkthrough guide of building an onboarding bot with Python SDK
How to stop worrying about scaling websockets
Tips on integrating Slack with Salesforce via OAuth
What can you do with a C64, a Raspberry Pi, 6502 assembly, node.js & the Slack API?
Build an office-space game table reservation system with Raspberry Pi and Slack
Sending Slack notifications when someone signs in to a Google Compute Engine instance
Learn to program slash commands with a magic rock
Learn how to easily deploy your Dockerized bots on AWS, examples included
A primer for using Swift to build a bot user using the RTM & Web APIs
Learn how to summon in channel HTTP Status Cats while learning the basics of slash commands and working with web APIs
This guided tutorial takes around 45 minutes to complete. Botkit is invovled.
Learn how to build a Ruby onboarding bot user, navigate OAuth, & subscribe to the Events API
"In less than 3 days we redesigned and completely rewrote Introbot with Events API."
Build a customer feedback bot using AWS Lambda and SNS
Leveraging the Events API to meet the needs of many teams
Use AWS Lambda, Go, and a tool called Up to start responding to commands quickly
How Slack used message buttons to simplify a common workflow
Just starting out? Here are some tips from a veteran Slack app developer
Clear instructions for Pythonistas
What are the rules that govern these our new simulacrum friends?
Tips on a process of building conversational bots
Learn how stdlib helps in building a Slack bot
Lessons learned building Moodz personal assistant Slackbot
A step by step guide to quickly handling slash command invocations using AWS Lambda & node.js
Learn how to build, host, and train intelligent bots
Starting with what outcome do you want for your users?
Leveraging the Events API to meet the needs of many teams
The cheapest way to build your first Slack app and run it with zero administration
A practical Ruby walk-through using Sign in with Slack as your identity provider
Learn direct from the community on how to implement socket mode in .NET
Give your users a home base using socket mode and Golang.
Why you should develop on Slack
"Why doesn't the data appear in the conversation?"
The developer of /todo talks much ado about the Slack App Directory
A step by step recorded webinar on using organization-wide deployment from the admin's perspective
"We wanted user on-boarding that was simple, low-friction and 'high-delight'"
"Onboarding is one of the most important elements of a product's design."
Learn how developers are finding novel ways to integrate Estimote location beacons with Slack
Enlightening read on writing bots for the enterprise
"I think entire teams would love to have this kind of transparency into user activity/engagement"
Our develope relations team details our approach to platform change and deprecations management.
5 lessons on building bot product
It's launch time for Priceonomics