Scheduled changes to the Slack platform

Here are scheduled changes, deprecations, and retirements planned ahead for the Slack platform.

We tweet about most of these updates from @slackapi but we also offer this wonderfully antiquated RSS feed. Slack, the service and product, has its own changelog too.

Effective March 11, 2025

  • AppsAs of May 16, 2024, newly-created Slack apps are no longer able to access the files.upload API method. Learn how to use our new asynchronous upload flow to migrate your existing apps and integrations by March 11, 2025.
  • APIsOur Web API method files.upload is now deprecated and will retire on March 11, 2025. Learn how to use our new asynchronous upload flow and migrate your apps and integrations.

Effective September 26, 2024

  • AppsThe September 2024 retirement of Steps from Apps for our legacy Workflow Builder approaches quickly. Learn more about what this means for your steps and workflows in this changelog article and survival guide.
  • AppsWe're retiring support for traditional Slack apps providing Steps from Apps to our legacy workflow builder and workflows created with it. Read on to learn whether your apps or workflows are impacted.

Effective June 04, 2024

  • APIsAs of June 4, 2024, you can no longer create new classic Slack apps or legacy custom integration bot users. Learn how this may impact you and your team.

Effective October 16, 2018

  • APIsWe're postponing planned changes around scope requirements for app and bot access to email addresses. The new date is in autumn, on October 16th, 2018. If you haven't already prepared, read on.