Steps from Apps for legacy workflows is deprecated

Published:Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Our new automation platform for developers and builders features an entirely new way of building workflows and adding custom functionality.

We replaced the traditional platform's ability to build Steps from Apps with a new model allowing developers to create coded custom functions and connectors that run on Slack, empowering more useful workflows than previously possible.

Beginning September 12, 2024, Slack will no longer support executing workflows containing a "step from app."

What was Steps from Apps? Steps from Apps gave developers of traditional Slack apps a way to add their own limited functionality to the original version of Workflow Builder. They don't work with the new version of Workflow Builder and workflows containing them cannot be automatically migrated to the new Workflow Builder.

What's changing?

As of October 2023, apps can no longer add the workflow:steps.execute scope or related steps when submitting or resubmitting changes to the App Directory.

On September 12, 2024 we'll retire Steps from Apps permanently:

How do I prepare?

Impacted apps can be identified as those requesting the workflow.steps:execute scope. You'll also find that your app is subscribed to events like workflow_step_execute. If your app doesn't use these scopes or events, it's unlikely that it provides Steps from Apps.

If you built a "step from app" with your own workspace or organization in mind, we recommend re-implementing your step as a custom function in Deno-flavored Typescript on Slack.

If your step from app was distributed to multiple workspaces through the Slack App Directory (or otherwise), we recommend waiting for future announcements around the development of "connectors," a new way to define interconnections between services with streamlined authentication support. Connectors aren't quite ready for third-party development yet, so please stay tuned for further announcements.

What if I do nothing?

If your Slack app doesn't support Steps from Apps, this change will likely not impact you.

If you use legacy workflows created by the original Workflow Builder that include any Steps from Apps, you won't be able to use those workflows after September 12, 2024.

If your app already supplies a step from app, that step from app will stop functioning in existing workflows and be unable to be added to future legacy workflows.

The new Workflow Builder does not reveal Steps from Apps to users.

When does this happen?

Workspaces on our Pro and Business+ plans have access to the new Workflow Builder today, and it will be coming to our Enterprise Grid customers in the coming weeks. Workspaces with access to the new Workflow Builder may continue building and executing legacy workflows containing Steps from Apps until September 12, 2024.

On September 12, 2024 legacy workflows containing Steps from Apps will stop working and users will no longer be able to add Steps from Apps features to workflows. Developers, like you, won't be able to build Steps from Apps functionality.

We encourage you to explore the new automation platform today.

Please reach out to us to us if you have any questions about these changes, or about steps from apps, Workflow Builder, connectors, and our new automation platform.