Sign in with Slack setup

Sign in with Slack helps users log into your service using their Slack profile.

The Sign in with Slack flow will redirect users to the right Slack URL. Slack will send users back to your service, along with the information your service needs.

The flow is based on the OpenID Connect standard, built on top of OAuth 2.0. The modern Sign in with Slack flow works with any package that successfully implements this standard. OpenID maintains a list of certified implementations of the OpenID Connect standard. We recommend you make use of one of these packages to take care of the boilerplate surrounding OAuth.

If you already have an existing Sign in with Slack app that uses identity.* scopes, you can find legacy Sign in with Slack documentation here.

Check out Sign in with Slack links, which allows users to share their Slack profile with you when they click a link from your service.

Getting started

Implementation of the Sign in with Slack flow follows the flow of our OAuth V2 process. If you're not familiar with that, you'll want to review these steps.

The key differences between Sign in with Slack and a typical OAuth flow for a Slack app are as follows:

  • You redirect users to a special OpenID endpoint, /openid/connect/authorize, rather than /oauth/v2/authorize.
  • You request the OpenID scopes—openid, email, and profile. (With legacy Sign in with Slack, you requested legacy identity.* scopes.)
  • You exchange your access code for an access token using an OpenID method, /openid.connect.token, rather than oauth.v2.access.
  • You receive the standard OpenID response sent to your redirect URI with the expected fields encoded in the id_token.
  • You use the openid.connect.userInfo method to retrieve updated user information. (With legacy Sign in with Slack, you used users.identity.)

We'll step through the flow in more detail below.

App setup

First, create a Slack app:

Create a Slack app

Enter your App Name and select the Development Workspace where you'll play around and build your app. Don't fuss too much over either field—no matter what workspace you select, you'll still be able to distribute your app to other workspaces if you choose.

Navigate to the OAuth & Permissions section and configure a Redirect URL to match your service. The Redirect URL signifies where Slack should redirect users when they complete the OAuth flow. If you're using ngrok, use the ngrok public forwarding host as the root.

Discover information on Slack OpenID endpoints

Slack provides a discovery endpoint so that your OpenID Connect Relying Party can discover which endpoints to call. Our Well Known endpoint is accessible at:

The response follows the OpenID standard, as in the following example:

    "issuer": "",
    "authorization_endpoint": "",
    "token_endpoint": "",
    "userinfo_endpoint": "",
    "jwks_uri": "",
    "scopes_supported": ["openid","profile","email"],
    "response_types_supported": ["code"],
    "response_modes_supported": ["form_post"],
    "grant_types_supported": ["authorization_code"],
    "subject_types_supported": ["public"],
    "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": ["RS256"],
    "claims_supported": ["sub","auth_time","iss"],
    "claims_parameter_supported": false,
    "request_parameter_supported": false,
    "request_uri_parameter_supported": true,
    "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": ["client_secret_post","client_secret_basic"]

Request with scopes

Send users into the Sign in with Slack authorization flow with a button or other redirect. If you're unsure of what that should look like, check out our design guidelines for tips on how to make the experience as pleasant as possible for your users.

A scope conflict occurs when attempting to combine Sign in with Slack user scopes with non-Sign in with Slack scopes in the same OAuth flow. Each set of scopes must be requested in separate OAuth flows.

You should redirect users to the following URL:

Your request should have the standard OpenID Connect form, which is why it pays to use a pre-implemented package.

Here's an example:

  GET /openid/connect/authorize?
    & HTTP/1.1

Here's a quick explanation of the parameters:

Parameter Description
response_type Set equal to code. This indicates you're asking for a temporary access code to then exchange for an access token.
scope Which permissions you want the user to grant you. Your app will request openid, the base scope you always need to request in any Sign in with Slack flow. You may request email and profile as well.
client_id Your app's client ID. You can find it in your app settings under Basic Information.
state Used to avoid forgery attacks. Pass in a value that's unique to the user you're authenticating, and check it when you receive a temporary authorization code.
nonce Used to verify that the entire flow has completed with no forgery. You can verify the nonce in the response you receive from the final token exchange to ensure it's the same as what you pass here.
redirect_uri Where Slack will send the user, along with the temporary authorization code, once the user okays your app. You can specify a more specific redirect_uri than the one in your app settings here, but it must be either an exact match or a subdirectory of one of the redirect URLs in your app settings.
team The workspace the user is intending to authenticate. If that workspace has been previously authenticated, the user will be signed in directly, bypassing the consent screen.


After the user successfully grants your app permission to access their Slack profile, they'll be redirected back to your service along with the typical code that signifies a temporary access code. Exchange that code for a real access token using the /openid.connect.token method.

You can check that method's documentation for a full list of parameters to pass. As an overview, you'll pass:

  • code
  • your app's client_secret
  • your app's client_id
  • your app's redirect_uri


After calling the /openid.connect.token method, you'll receive a standard OpenID response:

  "ok": true,
  "access_token": "xoxp-...-...-...-123",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "id_token": "123abc...456"

The id_token parameter is a standard JSON Web Token (JWT). You can decode it with off-the-shelf libraries in any programming language, and most packages that handle OpenID will handle JWT decoding.

If you've requested the openid email. and profile scopes, the token response decodes into an object as in the following example:

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "U123ABC456",
  "aud": "25259531569.1115258246291",
  "exp": 1626874955,
  "iat": 1626874655,
  "auth_time": 1626874655,
  "nonce": "abcd",
  "at_hash": "abc...123",
  "": "T0123ABC456",
  "": "U123ABC456",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "date_email_verified": 1622128723,
  "locale": "en-US",
  "name": "Alice",
  "given_name": "",
  "family_name": "",
  "": "",
  "": true

Some additional fields may be included in the payload. Make sure to verify that the nonce returned in the JWT payload is the same as the nonce you supplied to authorize.

Your Sign in with Slack flow has officially completed. Now you can obtain updated user info whenever you want for that authenticated user.

Get updated user info

Once you've obtained a user access token from the Sign in with Slack flow, you can use the openid.connect.userInfo method to get updated user information, such as their profile image and team image. Read up on that documentation for more details on the exact response to expect.

Token rotation

Token rotation is supported with Sign in with Slack. It works exactly like regular token rotation, except with the Sign in Slack token exchange endpoint. You'll pass a grant_type=refresh_token and use a refresh_token parameter to obtain a new access token from openid.connect.token.

Button generator

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Create an App

Migrate a legacy Sign in with Slack app

If you have a legacy Sign in with Slack app, there are only a few steps needed to migrate to the current flow. Request the new OpenID scopes, reconfigure your authorization URL, parse the new response from openid.connect.token, and you're good to go.

Here's a map of what legacy Sign in with Slack feature corresponds to what modern feature:

Enjoy your modern Sign in with Slack app! If you want to get even more nitty gritty details on how best to present a pleasant experience to users, read on for some design guidelines.

Button design guidelines

You should use our button generator to create a Sign in with Slack button. But if you need to modify that button or create your own, here are some basic design guidelines you should follow:

  • Show the button prominently.
  • The Slack logo should always be present.
  • The text should always say Sign in with Slack, with ‘S’ capitalized.
  • Use the same size as other sign in options.
  • Make it visible and keep it above the fold.


Image showing dimensions guidelines as explained below in text

A max size button should be:

  • 296px (width) x 56px (height)
  • 18px font Lato bold
  • Logo : 24px x 24px

A minimum size button should be:

  • 224px (width) x 44px (height)
  • 14px font Lato bold
  • Logo : 16px x 16px

A default size button should be:

  • 256px (width) x 48px (height)
  • 16px font Lato bold
  • Logo : 20px x 20px


Image showing spacing guidelines as explained below in text

For a center-aligned logo, use:

  • Margin-between: 12px

For a border-aligned logo, use:

  • Margin-left: 16px


Image showing guidelines as explained below in text

Use a border-radius of:

  • Min: 4px
  • Max: height of the button

Color themes

Image showing theme guidelines as explained below in text

For a default theme, use:

  • Background color : #FFFFFF
  • Font color : #000000
  • Border color : #DDDDDD

For a dark theme, recommended only for spaces with sufficient contrast, use:

  • Background color : #4A154B
  • Font color : #FFFFFF
  • Border : none

Icon sizing

You can also use an icon button consisting only of the Slack logo.

Image showing guidelines as explained below in text

Dimensions of a max size button:

  • 56px (width) x 56px (height)
  • Logo: 28px x 28px

Min size:

  • 36px (width) x 36px (height)
  • Logo: 18px x 18px

Default size:

  • 48px (width) x 48px (height)
  • Logo: 24px x 24px

Icon corners

Image showing guidelines as explained below in text

Use a border-radius of:

  • Min: 4px
  • Max: height of the button

Icon color themes

Image showing guidelines as explained below in text

Color guidelines for icon buttons are the same as text buttons above.


If you can't use our button generator, you can use the following static image assets instead. This HTML snippet references our CDN-hosted buttons:

<img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" />

If you want to host the assets yourself, you can download these images:

Download PNG (170px by 40px) Download PNG (Retina, 344px by 80px)

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