Using message metadata

Messages are how people communicate with people, message metadata is how apps communicate with apps.

Slack can be a busy place, with millions of messages and numerous notifications. Many of those messages correspond to app events - whether that be from Slack apps or external apps such as project management or calendar software.

Message metadata gives apps a way to correspond with other apps by passing along the event information they need within messages.

Understanding message metadata

"Metadata is a love note to the future." - Jason Scott

With message metadata, your app can become an event-driven vehicle, delivering information across the Slack platform in a structured way.

Let's look at an example. If we wanted to add metadata about a customer to a message that alerts a channel whenever a new customer is created, we can start with the message object:

    "channel": "A12345",
    "text": "A new customer record has been created."

Then, we can attach some metadata to it:

    "channel": "A12345",
    "text": "A new customer record has been created.",
    "metadata": {
        "event_type": "customer_created",
        "event_payload": {
            "crm_id": "123456ABCD",
            "external_id": "QWERTY12",
            "nurture_step": "new_account"

After your message is sent and becomes part of a channel's timeline, your app or another developer's app can respond, react, or do something completely unexpected (but reasonable) in its own way to your message metadata.

Maybe your CRM will perform some nurturing automations based on this new customer being created. Maybe the folks handling accounts payable use an app to automatically update their systems based on some external ID.

Whatever the case may be, you determine the unique event_type for your automations as well as the structure of the event_payload, giving you the opportunity to customize exactly how your apps and external systems communicate with each other.

Defining metadata

Message metadata consists of structured payloads defined by you that contain additional information beyond a message's visible contents.

While the structure used for metadata is very close to the JSON schema standard, we have a few conventions and native types that differ. Using the recommended schema will allow your metadata events to be more easily accepted by other Slack apps.

Our design guidelines are a helpful resource for creating message metadata event schemas..

Sending metadata

Once you have planned out a payload structure to link between messages that your app sends and some outside event, your app can send that metadata any time that it sends messages.

In order to send metadata with a message, include a metadata parameter. You'll use two keys, event_type and event_payload, inside metadata.

One way you can send metadata is by using the chat.postMessage method with the metadata argument. We recommend using the method with a HTTP POST and an application/json body. Below are a few examples doing so.

Example: Task created

This example shows a message sent when a new task is created. It include metadata about the task for project management tools to pull in:

POST /api/chat.postMessage
Authorization: Bearer xoxb-6050345600-60510457-…
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "channel": "C123ABC456",
    "text": "New task Added by @sam - Redesign homepage",
    "metadata": {
        "event_type": "task_created",
        "event_payload": {
            "id": "TK-2132",
            "summary": "New issue with the display of mobile element",
            "description": "An end user has found a problem with the new mobile container for data entry. It was reproduced in the current version of IOS.",
            "priority": "HIGH",
            "resource_type": "TASK"

Example: New member added

This example shows a message that is part of an onboarding app. The message is sent when a new person is added to a team channel or user group within Slack. This app sends along a new_teammate event with corresponding metadata:

POST /api/chat.postMessage
Authorization: Bearer xoxb-6050345600-60510457-…
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "channel": "C123ABC456",
    "text": "New teammate @Billy just joined",
    "metadata": {
        "event_type": "new_teammate",
        "event_payload": {
            "id": "TK-2132",
            "summary": "New teammate has been added to the channel",
            "description": "@Billy is a new teammate and needs to be added to the neccesary channels",
            "priority": "HIGH",
            "resource_ type": "TASK"

You can then have a Slack app that performs other actions, such as:

  • adds @Billy to other team channels
  • Sends a direct message containing the description field contents
  • Sends a direct message to people in channel reminding them to post a welcome message
  • Send an ephemeral message to @Billy with suggested channels to join

Example: External feedback received via webhook

This example shows how you can use message metadata from an external source using webhooks. Your app can listen for posts from a website where users can post feedback. When a post does occur, your app posts a message in #feedback-channel with metadata attached:

POST /api/chat.postMessage
Authorization: Bearer xoxb-6050345600-60510457-…
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "channel": "C123ABC456",
    "text": "New feedback received",
    "metadata": {
        "event_type": "feedback_received",
        "event_payload": {
            "id": "TK-2132",
            "summary": "User submitted feedback",
            "description": "Someone submitted feedback on this page",
            "feedback_message":"This page is awesome, thanks for writing it!",
            "page_url": "",
            "priority": "LOW",
            "page_owner": "@haile",
            "resource_ type": "TASK"

You can then have a Slack app that performs other actions, such as:

  • reacts to the feedback submissions
  • assigns the task to a user in the channel.
  • sends direct messages to the page_owner found in the event_payload

The number of actions being triggered is up to you and your app's utilization of message metadata.

Receiving metadata

Your app may also receive metadata. This can be done with either the Web API or the Events API.

Receive metadata with the Web API

Message metadata is received via any way that apps send messages, such as conversations.history, or response urls.

If you receive a message by directly calling an API method and passing include_all_metadata=true, you will find a new metadata parameter in the message object with two keys: event_type and event_payload. If you do not pass include_all_metadata=true, you will receive the event_type field only.

Field Type Description
event_type string The type of the event triggered in your system. For example, task_added.
event_payload object This payload contains the custom properties that you've already defined in your .yaml file for your app.

Make a call with the conversations.history method to read metadata when you fetch a conversation's history:

GET /api/conversations.history?channel=C1234224&include_all_metadata=true
Authorization: Bearer xoxb-12501860787-17163110960-...

The response will include metadata within the message object:

    "ok": true,
    "messages": [
            "type": "message",
            "user": "U123ABC456",
            "text": "New task Added by @sam - Redesign homepage",
            "app_id": "A01234",
            "metadata": {
                "event_type": "task_added",
                "event_payload": {
                    "id": "11223",
                    "title": "Redesign homepage",
                    "creator": "",
                    "created_at": "1610561787",
                    "priority": "high",
                    "status": "triage"
            "ts": "1512085950.000216"
            "type": "message",
            "user": "U123ABC456",
            "text": "I'm going to start working on :point_up: task",
            "ts": "1512104434.000490"
    "has_more": true,
    "pin_count": 0,
    "response_metadata": {
        "next_cursor": "bmV4dF90czoxNTEyMDg1ODYxMDAwNTQz"

Receive metadata with the Events API

You can also receive metadata by obtaining messages in an event-driven way. Along with metadata, you'll see an app_id in the message payload so that you can identify which app sent the metadata. There are two ways to consume these message objects:

Subscribe to all message events

You can receive message metadata when you subscribe to the messages.* events. If a message has metadata, it will be available in the event payload.

    "event": {
        "type": "message",
        "channel": "C123ABC456",
        "user": "U123ABC456",
        "text": "New task Added by @sam - Redesign homepage",
        "app_id": "A123ABC456",
        "metadata": {
            "event_type": "task_added",
            "event_payload": {
                "id": "11223",
                "title": "Redesign homepage",
                "creator": "",
                "created_at": "1610561787",
                "priority": "high",
                "status": "triage"
        "ts": "1355517523.000005",
        "event_ts": "1355517523.000005",
        "channel_type": "channel"

Subscribe specifically to metadata via the Events API

Finally, you can subscribe specifically to a set of events that tell you when metadata has been posted, updated, or deleted, without consuming an entire firehose of messages. This requires three steps:

  1. Configure your Slack app to request the message_metadata:read scope.

  2. Subscribe to the following events, as needed:

Event Description
message_metadata_deleted Message metadata was deleted
message_metadata_posted Message metadata was posted
message_metadata_updated Message metadata was updated
  1. Within your app's manifest file under settings, add in your metadata_subscriptions under event_subscriptions. Each entry requires an app_id and event_type pair where either (but not both) can be a wildcard '*'. Due note that it's best practice to not use the wildcard unless you really need to!
      - message_metadata_posted
      - app_id: '*'
        event_type: <your-event-name>
      - app_id: A1234
        event_type: <your-event-name>

These events allow you to be updated on the goings on of the message metadata being consumed by your app.

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