Using the Slack Web API

The Slack Web API is an interface for querying information from and enacting change in a Slack workspace.

Use it for individual queries, or as part of a more complex tapestry of platform features in a Slack app.

Web API Methods

Want to just get a token and get started? This tutorial teaches you how to quickly get and use a Slack API bot token.

Basic overview

  • The Web API is a collection of HTTP RPC-style methods, all with URLs in the form
  • While it's not a REST API, those familiar with REST should be at home with its foundations in HTTP.
  • Use HTTPS, SSL, and TLS v1.2 or above when calling all methods. Learn more about our SSL and TLS requirements.
  • Each method has a series of arguments informing the execution of your intentions.
  • Pass arguments as:
    • GET querystring parameters,
    • POST parameters presented as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, or
    • a mix of both GET and POST parameters
  • Most write methods allow arguments with application/json attributes.
  • Some methods, such as chat.postMessage and, feature arguments that accept an associative JSON array. However, these methods can be difficult to properly construct when using a application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-type, so we strongly recommend using JSON-encoded bodies instead.

POST bodies

When sending a HTTP POST, you may present your arguments as either standard POST parameters, or you may use JSON instead.

URL-encoded bodies

When sending URL-encoded data, set your HTTP Content-type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and present your key/value pairs according to RFC-3986.

For example, a POST request to the conversations.create method might look something like this:

POST /api/conversations.create
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

JSON-encoded bodies

For write methods that support JSON, you may alternatively send your HTTP POST data as Content-type: application/json.

There are some ground rules:

  • You must explicitly set the Content-type HTTP header to application/json. We won't interpret your POST body as such without it.
  • You must transmit your token as a bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header.
  • You cannot send your token as part of the query string or as an attribute in your posted JSON.
  • Do not mix arguments between query string, URL-encoded POST body, and JSON attributes. Choose one approach per request.
  • Providing an explicitly null value for an attribute will result in whichever default behavior is assigned to it.

For example, to send the same request above to the conversations.create method with a JSON POST body, send something like this:

POST /api/conversations.create
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xoxp-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx

Note how we present the token with the string Bearer pre-pended to it, indicating the OAuth 2.0 authentication scheme. Consult your favorite HTTP tool or library's manual for further detail on setting HTTP headers.

Here's a more complicated example — posting a message with menus using chat.postMessage:

POST /api/chat.postMessage
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xoxp-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx
{"channel":"C123ABC456","text":"I hope the tour went well, Mr. Wonka.","attachments":[{"text":"Who wins the lifetime supply of chocolate?","fallback":"You could be telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate.","color":"#3AA3E3","attachment_type":"default","callback_id":"select_simple_1234","actions":[{"name":"winners_list","text":"Who should win?","type":"select","data_source":"users"}]}]}

The attachments argument is sent a straightforward JSON array.

Here's how to do that with cURL:

curl example
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer xoxb-1234-56789abcdefghijklmnop' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"channel":"C123ABC456","text":"I hope the tour went well, Mr. Wonka.","attachments": [{"text":"Who wins the lifetime supply of chocolate?","fallback":"You could be telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate.","color":"#3AA3E3","attachment_type":"default","callback_id":"select_simple_1234","actions":[{"name":"winners_list","text":"Who should win?","type":"select","data_source":"users"}]}]}' \

Errors specific to passing JSON

If the posted JSON is invalid, you'll receive one of the following errors in response:

  • invalid_json: The JSON you've included in your POST body cannot be parsed. This might be because it's actually not JSON, or perhaps you did not correctly set your HTTP Content-type header. Ensure your JSON attribute keys are strings wrapped with double-quote (") characters.
  • json_not_object: We could understand that your code was JSON-like enough to parse it, but it's not actually a JSON hash of attribute key/value pairs. Perhaps you sent us an array, or just a string or a number.

In both cases, you'll need to revise your JSON or how you're transmitting your data to resolve the error condition.

Evaluating responses

All Web API responses contain a JSON object, which will always contain a top-level boolean property ok that indicates success or failure.

For failure results, the error property will contain a short machine-readable error code. In the case of problematic calls that could still be completed successfully, ok will be true and the warning property will contain a short machine-readable warning code (or comma-separated list of them, in the case of multiple warnings). See the following examples:

    "ok": true,
    "stuff": "This is good"
    "ok": false,
    "error": "something_bad"
    "ok": true,
    "warning": "something_problematic",
    "stuff": "Your requested information"

Other properties are defined in the documentation for each relevant method. There's a lot of "stuff" to unpack, including these types and other method or domain-specific curiosities.


Authenticate your Web API requests by providing a bearer token, which identifies a single user or bot user relationship.

Register your application with Slack to obtain credentials for use with our OAuth 2.0 implementation, which allows you to negotiate tokens on behalf of users and workspaces.

We prefer tokens to be sent in the Authorization HTTP header of your outbound requests. However, you may also pass tokens in all Web API calls as a POST body parameter called token. Tokens cannot be sent as a query parameter.

Treat tokens with care. Never share tokens with other users or applications. Do not publish tokens in public code repositories. Review token safety tips.


Slack requires HTTPS, SSL, and TLS v1.2 or above. The platform and the Web API are governed by the same rules. Learn more about our deprecation of early TLS versions. Stay safe and secure.

All TLS connections must use the SNI extension. Lastly, TLS connections must support at least one of the following cipher suites:

TLS 1.2:


TLS 1.3:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256


With over 100 methods, surely there's one right for you. Here is a list of the different method families available in our Web API:

Methods supporting JSON POSTs

These methods support sending application/json instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded arguments.

Method & DescriptionDescription
Approve an app for installation on a workspace.
Approve an app for installation on a workspace.
Clear an app resolution
Clear an app resolution
Look up the app config for connectors by their IDs
Look up the app config for connectors by their IDs
Set the app config for a connector
Set the app config for a connector
Cancel app request for team
Cancel app request for team
Restrict an app for installation on a workspace.
Restrict an app for installation on a workspace.
Uninstall an app from one or many workspaces, or an entire enterprise organization.
Uninstall an app from one or many workspaces, or an entire enterprise organization.
API to allow enterprise grid admins to read the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.
API to allow enterprise grid admins to read the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.
API to allow enterprise grid admins to write/overwrite the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.
API to allow enterprise grid admins to write/overwrite the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.
Assign entities to a particular authentication policy.
Assign entities to a particular authentication policy.
Fetch all the entities assigned to a particular authentication policy by name.
Fetch all the entities assigned to a particular authentication policy by name.
Remove specified entities from a specified authentication policy.
Remove specified entities from a specified authentication policy.
Archive a public or private channel.
Archive a public or private channel.
Convert a public channel to a private channel.
Convert a public channel to a private channel.
Convert a private channel to a public channel.
Convert a private channel to a public channel.
Create a public or private channel-based conversation.
Create a public or private channel-based conversation.
Delete a public or private channel.
Delete a public or private channel.
Disconnect a connected channel from one or more workspaces.
Disconnect a connected channel from one or more workspaces.
Get conversation preferences for a public or private channel.
Get conversation preferences for a public or private channel.
This API endpoint can be used by any admin to get a conversation's retention policy.
This API endpoint can be used by any admin to get a conversation's retention policy.
Get all the workspaces a given public or private channel is connected to within this Enterprise org.
Get all the workspaces a given public or private channel is connected to within this Enterprise org.
Invite a user to a public or private channel.
Invite a user to a public or private channel.
This API endpoint can be used by any admin to remove a conversation's retention policy.
This API endpoint can be used by any admin to remove a conversation's retention policy.
Rename a public or private channel.
Rename a public or private channel.
Search for public or private channels in an Enterprise organization.
Search for public or private channels in an Enterprise organization.
Set the posting permissions for a public or private channel.
Set the posting permissions for a public or private channel.
This API endpoint can be used by any admin to set a conversation's retention policy.
This API endpoint can be used by any admin to set a conversation's retention policy.
Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a public or private channel.
Set the workspaces in an Enterprise grid org that connect to a public or private channel.
Unarchive a public or private channel.
Unarchive a public or private channel.
Look up functions by a set of apps
Look up functions by a set of apps
Lookup the visibility of multiple Slack functions and include the users if it is limited to particular named entities.
Lookup the visibility of multiple Slack functions and include the users if it is limited to particular named entities.
Set the visibility of a Slack function and define the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities
Set the visibility of a Slack function and define the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities
Approve a workspace invite request.
Approve a workspace invite request.
List all approved workspace invite requests.
List all approved workspace invite requests.
List all denied workspace invite requests.
List all denied workspace invite requests.
Deny a workspace invite request.
Deny a workspace invite request.
List all pending workspace invite requests.
List all pending workspace invite requests.
Adds members to the specified role with the specified scopes
Adds members to the specified role with the specified scopes
Create an Enterprise team.
Create an Enterprise team.
List all teams on an Enterprise organization
List all teams on an Enterprise organization
Fetch information about settings in a workspace
Fetch information about settings in a workspace
Set the description of a given workspace.
Set the description of a given workspace.
An API method that allows admins to set the discoverability of a given workspace
An API method that allows admins to set the discoverability of a given workspace
Set the name of a given workspace.
Set the name of a given workspace.
Add up to one hundred default channels to an IDP group.
Add up to one hundred default channels to an IDP group.
Associate one or more default workspaces with an organization-wide IDP group.
Associate one or more default workspaces with an organization-wide IDP group.
List the channels linked to an org-level IDP group (user group).
List the channels linked to an org-level IDP group (user group).
Remove one or more default channels from an org-level IDP group (user group).
Remove one or more default channels from an org-level IDP group (user group).
Add an Enterprise user to a workspace.
Add an Enterprise user to a workspace.
Invite a user to a workspace.
Invite a user to a workspace.
List users on a workspace
List users on a workspace
Remove a user from a workspace.
Remove a user from a workspace.
Clear user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for a list of users.
Clear user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for a list of users.
Get user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—given a list of users.
Get user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—given a list of users.
Revoke a single session for a user. The user will be forced to login to Slack.
Revoke a single session for a user. The user will be forced to login to Slack.
List active user sessions for an organization
List active user sessions for an organization
Wipes all valid sessions on all devices for a given user
Wipes all valid sessions on all devices for a given user
Enqueues an asynchronous job to wipe all valid sessions on all devices for a given list of users
Enqueues an asynchronous job to wipe all valid sessions on all devices for a given list of users
Configure the user-level session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for one or more users.
Configure the user-level session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for one or more users.
Set an existing regular user or owner to be a workspace admin.
Set an existing regular user or owner to be a workspace admin.
Set an expiration for a guest user
Set an expiration for a guest user
Set an existing regular user or admin to be a workspace owner.
Set an existing regular user or admin to be a workspace owner.
Set an existing guest user, admin user, or owner to be a regular user.
Set an existing guest user, admin user, or owner to be a regular user.
Add collaborators to workflows within the team or enterprise
Add collaborators to workflows within the team or enterprise
Remove collaborators from workflows within the team or enterprise
Remove collaborators from workflows within the team or enterprise
Look up the permissions for a set of workflows
Look up the permissions for a set of workflows
Search workflows within the team or enterprise
Search workflows within the team or enterprise
list the permissions for using each trigger type in workflow builder
list the permissions for using each trigger type in workflow builder
Set the permissions for using a trigger type in workflow builder
Set the permissions for using a trigger type in workflow builder
Unpublish workflows within the team or enterprise
Unpublish workflows within the team or enterprise
Checks API calling code.
Checks API calling code.
Delete external auth tokens only on the Slack side
Delete external auth tokens only on the Slack side
Get the access token for the provided token ID
Get the access token for the provided token ID
Generate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL that your app can connect to in order to receive events and interactive payloads over.
Generate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL that your app can connect to in order to receive events and interactive payloads over.
Delete items from a datastore in bulk
Delete items from a datastore in bulk
Get items from a datastore in bulk
Get items from a datastore in bulk
Creates or replaces existing items in bulk
Creates or replaces existing items in bulk
Count the number of items in a datastore that match a query
Count the number of items in a datastore that match a query
Delete an item from a datastore
Delete an item from a datastore
Get an item from a datastore
Get an item from a datastore
Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item.
Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item.
Query a datastore for items
Query a datastore for items
Edits an existing item's attributes, or adds a new item if it does not already exist.
Edits an existing item's attributes, or adds a new item if it does not already exist.
Get a list of authorizations for the given event context. Each authorization represents an app installation that the event is visible to.
Get a list of authorizations for the given event context. Each authorization represents an app installation that the event is visible to.
Create an app from an app manifest.
Create an app from an app manifest.
Permanently deletes an app created through app manifests
Permanently deletes an app created through app manifests
Export an app manifest from an existing app
Export an app manifest from an existing app
Update an app from an app manifest
Update an app from an app manifest
Validate an app manifest
Validate an app manifest
Set the status for an AI assistant thread.
Set the status for an AI assistant thread.
Set suggested prompts for the given assistant thread
Set suggested prompts for the given assistant thread
Set the title for the given assistant thread
Set the title for the given assistant thread
Checks authentication & identity.
Checks authentication & identity.
Add bookmark to a channel.
Add bookmark to a channel.
Edit bookmark.
Edit bookmark.
List bookmark for the channel.
List bookmark for the channel.
Remove bookmark from the channel.
Remove bookmark from the channel.
Registers a new Call.
Registers a new Call.
Ends a Call.
Ends a Call.
Returns information about a Call.
Returns information about a Call.
Registers new participants added to a Call.
Registers new participants added to a Call.
Registers participants removed from a Call.
Registers participants removed from a Call.
Updates information about a Call.
Updates information about a Call.
Remove access to a canvas for specified entities
Remove access to a canvas for specified entities
Sets the access level to a canvas for specified entities
Sets the access level to a canvas for specified entities
Create canvas for a user
Create canvas for a user
Deletes a canvas
Deletes a canvas
Update an existing canvas
Update an existing canvas
Find sections matching the provided criteria
Find sections matching the provided criteria
Sets the read cursor in a channel.
Sets the read cursor in a channel.
Deletes a message.
Deletes a message.
Deletes a pending scheduled message from the queue.
Deletes a pending scheduled message from the queue.
Share a me message into a channel.
Share a me message into a channel.
Sends an ephemeral message to a user in a channel.
Sends an ephemeral message to a user in a channel.
Sends a message to a channel.
Sends a message to a channel.
Schedules a message to be sent to a channel.
Schedules a message to be sent to a channel.
Returns a list of scheduled messages.
Returns a list of scheduled messages.
Provide custom unfurl behavior for user-posted URLs
Provide custom unfurl behavior for user-posted URLs
Updates a message.
Updates a message.
Accepts an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
Accepts an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
Approves an invitation to a Slack Connect channel
Approves an invitation to a Slack Connect channel
Archives a conversation.
Archives a conversation.
Create a channel canvas for a channel
Create a channel canvas for a channel
Closes a direct message or multi-person direct message.
Closes a direct message or multi-person direct message.
Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation
Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation
Declines a Slack Connect channel invite.
Declines a Slack Connect channel invite.
Fetches a conversation's history of messages and events.
Fetches a conversation's history of messages and events.
Invites users to a channel.
Invites users to a channel.
Sends an invitation to a Slack Connect channel
Sends an invitation to a Slack Connect channel
Joins an existing conversation.
Joins an existing conversation.
Removes a user from a conversation.
Removes a user from a conversation.
Leaves a conversation.
Leaves a conversation.
Lists shared channel invites that have been generated or received but have not been approved by all parties
Lists shared channel invites that have been generated or received but have not been approved by all parties
Sets the read cursor in a channel.
Sets the read cursor in a channel.
Opens or resumes a direct message or multi-person direct message.
Opens or resumes a direct message or multi-person direct message.
Renames a conversation.
Renames a conversation.
Approves a request to add an external user to a channel and sends them a Slack Connect invite
Approves a request to add an external user to a channel and sends them a Slack Connect invite
Denies a request to invite an external user to a channel
Denies a request to invite an external user to a channel
Lists requests to add external users to channels with ability to filter.
Lists requests to add external users to channels with ability to filter.
Sets the channel description.
Sets the channel description.
Sets the topic for a conversation.
Sets the topic for a conversation.
Reverses conversation archival.
Reverses conversation archival.
Open a dialog with a user
Open a dialog with a user
Ends the current user's Do Not Disturb session immediately.
Ends the current user's Do Not Disturb session immediately.
Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately.
Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately.
Turns on Do Not Disturb mode for the current user, or changes its duration.
Turns on Do Not Disturb mode for the current user, or changes its duration.
Deletes an existing comment on a file.
Deletes an existing comment on a file.
Finishes an upload started with files.getUploadURLExternal
Finishes an upload started with files.getUploadURLExternal
Deletes a file.
Deletes a file.
Revokes public/external sharing access for a file
Revokes public/external sharing access for a file
Enables a file for public/external sharing.
Enables a file for public/external sharing.
Signal that a function failed to complete
Signal that a function failed to complete
Signal the successful completion of a function
Signal the successful completion of a function
Grant users access to a custom slack function if its permission_type is set to named_entities
Grant users access to a custom slack function if its permission_type is set to named_entities
List the access type of a custom slack function and include the users with access if its permission_type is set to named_entities
List the access type of a custom slack function and include the users with access if its permission_type is set to named_entities
Revoke user access to a custom slack function if permission_type set to named_entities
Revoke user access to a custom slack function if permission_type set to named_entities
Set the access type of a custom slack function and define the users to be granted access if permission_type is set to named_entities
Set the access type of a custom slack function and define the users to be granted access if permission_type is set to named_entities
List the steps of a specific function of a workflow's versions
List the steps of a specific function of a workflow's versions
Download form responses of a workflow
Download form responses of a workflow
Sets the read cursor in a private channel.
Sets the read cursor in a private channel.
Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel.
Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel.
Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel.
Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel.
Pins an item to a channel.
Pins an item to a channel.
Un-pins an item from a channel.
Un-pins an item from a channel.
Adds a reaction to an item.
Adds a reaction to an item.
Removes a reaction from an item.
Removes a reaction from an item.
Creates a reminder.
Creates a reminder.
Marks a reminder as complete.
Marks a reminder as complete.
Deletes a reminder.
Deletes a reminder.
Save an item for later. Formerly known as adding a star.
Save an item for later. Formerly known as adding a star.
Removes a saved item (star) from an item.
Removes a saved item (star) from an item.
Create a User Group.
Create a User Group.
Disable an existing User Group.
Disable an existing User Group.
Enable a User Group.
Enable a User Group.
Update an existing User Group.
Update an existing User Group.
Update the list of users for a user group.
Update the list of users for a user group.
Look up an email address to see if someone is discoverable on Slack
Look up an email address to see if someone is discoverable on Slack
Set a user's profile information, including custom status.
Set a user's profile information, including custom status.
Marked a user as active. Deprecated and non-functional.
Marked a user as active. Deprecated and non-functional.
Manually sets user presence.
Manually sets user presence.
Open a view for a user.
Open a view for a user.
Publish a static view for a User.
Publish a static view for a User.
Push a view onto the stack of a root view.
Push a view onto the stack of a root view.
Update an existing view.
Update an existing view.
Indicate that an app's step in a workflow completed execution.
Indicate that an app's step in a workflow completed execution.
Indicate that an app's step in a workflow failed to execute.
Indicate that an app's step in a workflow failed to execute.
Allows users to run a trigger that has its permission type set to named_entities
Allows users to run a trigger that has its permission type set to named_entities
Returns the permission type of a trigger and if applicable, includes the entities that have been granted access
Returns the permission type of a trigger and if applicable, includes the entities that have been granted access
Revoke an entity's access to a trigger that has its permission type set to named_entities
Revoke an entity's access to a trigger that has its permission type set to named_entities
Set the permission type for who can run a trigger
Set the permission type for who can run a trigger
Update the configuration for a workflow step.
Update the configuration for a workflow step.