Rolling out a new beta app configuration experience

Published:Thursday, October 7, 2021

Starting on October 7, 2021, we will start rolling out a new beta app settings experience. This new UI will allow you to directly edit an app's manifest to update its configuration.

What's changing

From October 7, 2021, we'll start rolling out a new banner in your app settings pages:

Screenshot of a banner that says "A new way to configure your app is coming. We’ve built an easier way to make all your changes from one place. Try it out now"

If you click Try it out now your configuration UI will change to our new manifest-oriented experience. You'll instantly see changes to the side navigation and the app summary screen:

A screenshot showing the new app summary screen

All your previous tokens and app details are still accessible here, but you're no longer able to edit them. Instead, you'll use the manifest editor, as we'll now explain.

Updating an app settings using the new UI

To edit your app settings, click on the App Manifest item in the side bar of your app settings pages. You'll see an editor UI like this:

A screenshot showing the new manifest editor

Using this editor you can modify your app's configuration using any of the valid manifest schema fields, as outlined here. Read our guide to using app manifests for more information.

How do I prepare?

As this experience is opt-in, you don't need to do anything to prepare.

During the beta, if you opted in, you will still be able to return to the classic configuration interface by clicking Revert to the old design in the side bar.

When does this happen?

The beta opt-in will begin rolling out from October 7, 2021. Don’t see the new experience yet? We probably haven’t rolled it out to your workspace yet, but we'll get there soon!

If you have questions or concerns about this new feature, please contact us.