
The context changed while an AI assistant thread was visible


Works with

Events API

Assistant apps will receive this event when a user opens a new channel while the container is open. This can be used to track the active context of a user in Slack.

   "type": "assistant_thread_context_changed",
   "assistant_thread": {
      "user_id": "U123ABC456",
      "context": { 
         "channel_id": "C123ABC456", 
         "team_id": "T07XY8FPJ5C", 
         "enterprise_id": "E480293PS82"
      "channel_id": "D123ABC456",
      "thread_ts": "1729999327.187299"
   "event_ts": "17298244.022142"

When an event occurs, we will send an HTTP POST request to your Request URL. The outer payload is uniform across all Events API methods, and contains fields like team_id and event. Learn more