message.channels event

A message was posted to a channel


Required scopes

Works with

Events API

This example appears wrapped in the standard event wrapper used by all events delivered on the Events API.

    "token": "one-long-verification-token",
    "team_id": "T123ABC456",
    "api_app_id": "A123ABC456",
    "event": {
        "type": "message",
        "channel": "C123ABC456",
        "user": "U123ABC456",
        "text": "Live long and prospect.",
        "ts": "1355517523.000005",
        "event_ts": "1355517523.000005",
        "channel_type": "channel"
    "type": "event_callback",
    "authed_teams": [
    "event_id": "Ev123ABC456",
    "event_time": 1355517523

The semantics for this message event type are similar to the core message event sent through the RTM API. Messages often include many more fields than those shown above.

Differentiate public channel messages from other message.* events by looking for the event's channel_type field set to "channel".

To receive only messages sent to your app, subscribe to app_mention events instead.

When an event occurs, we will send an HTTP POST request to your Request URL. The outer payload is uniform across all Events API methods, and contains fields like team_id and event. Learn more