A message was sent to a channel


Works with

    "type": "message",
    "text": "We got one!",
    "files": [
            "id": "F0RDC39U1",
            "created": 1529342081,
            "timestamp": 1529342081,
            "name": "ghostrap.png",
            "title": "ghostrap.png",
            "mimetype": "image/png",
            "filetype": "png",
            "pretty_type": "PNG",
            "user": "U061F7AUR",
            "editable": false,
            "size": 196920,
            "mode": "hosted",
            "is_external": false,
            "external_type": "",
            "is_public": false,
            "public_url_shared": false,
            "display_as_bot": false,
            "username": "",
            "url_private": "https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1/ghostrap.png",
            "url_private_download": "https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1/download/ghostrap.png",
            "thumb_64": "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-f8c7b072da/ghostrap_64.png",
            "thumb_80": "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-f8c7b072da/ghostrap_80.png",
            "thumb_360": "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-f8c7b072da/ghostrap_360.png",
            "thumb_360_w": 360,
            "thumb_360_h": 360,
            "thumb_480": "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-f8c7b072da/ghostrap_480.png",
            "thumb_480_w": 480,
            "thumb_480_h": 480,
            "thumb_160": "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-f8c7b072da/ghostrap_160.png",
            "image_exif_rotation": 1,
            "original_w": 512,
            "original_h": 512,
            "pjpeg": "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-f8c7b072da/ghostrap_pjpeg.jpg",
            "permalink": "https://episod-slackform.slack.com/files/U061F7AUR/F0RDC39U1/ghostrap.png",
            "permalink_public": "https://slack-files.com/T061EG9R6-F0RDC39U1-815d735817",
            "has_rich_preview": false
    "user": "U061F7AUR",
    "upload": true,
    "display_as_bot": false,
    "bot_id": null,
    "ts": "1529342088.000086",
    "channel": "D0L4B9P0Q",
    "event_ts": "1529342088.000086",
    "channel_type": "im"

A file_share message is sent when a file is shared into a channel, group or direct message.

This event no longer dispatches in the RTM API. In the Events API, subscriptions and deliveries will continue.

However, the shape of the event has changed: instead of including a file node, you'll find an array in the files attribute instead.

Slack Connect files

When a file is uploaded into a Slack Connect channel, file object properties are not immediately accessible to apps listening via the Events API. Instead, the payload will contain a file object with the key-value pair "file_access": "check_file_info" meaning that further action is required from your app in order to view an uploaded file's metadata.

    "files": [
          "id": "F12345678",
          "mode": "file_access",
          "file_access": "check_file_info",
          "created": 0,
          "timestamp": 0,
          "user": ""

See Slack Connect: working with channels between organizations for more details on how to handle this scenario.

Field notes

The user property contains the User ID of the user that shared the file, which may differ from the user that uploaded the file.

The upload property indicates whether this share happened at upload time, or some time later.

The files property contains an array of tidy file objects.

When an event occurs, we will send an HTTP POST request to your Request URL. The outer payload is uniform across all Events API methods, and contains fields like team_id and event. Learn more