Subscribe to presence events for the specified users
Ask the message server to subscribe you to presence events for the specified list of users.
Instead of receiving this event type, your app must post it into the websocket. Present an array labeled ids
containing all of the user IDs you want presence subscriptions for.
To use this event, you'll need to first connect with rtm.connect
or rtm.start
For instance, to add subscriptions for users U123456
and W123456
, present JSON like so:
"type": "presence_sub",
"ids": [
All subscription requests require the entire subscription list _each invocation. To remove subscriptions, do not include their user ID in a subsequent presence_sub
request. To add a new subscription, add it to the array.
In response to your presence subscription request, you'll receive singular or batch presence_change
events declaring the current presence status of each user added to the subscription.
"type": "presence_change",
"presence": "active",
"user": "U061F7AUR"
"type": "presence_change",
"presence": "away",
"user": "W123456"
Users that were already present in the subscription will not emit an event until their presence status changes.
is rate limited.
See presence for more information.
To look up presence ad hoc over an RTM connection, use presence_query
When an event occurs, we will send an HTTP POST request to your Request URL. The outer payload is uniform across all Events API methods, and contains fields like team_id
and event
. Learn more